23 July 2011

Multitasking Gone Wrong!!

While many of my friends would agree that Facebook is shit. A online survey has revealed that 27% of respondents have admitted to using Facebook on a mobile device while in the bathroom.

That's right...27% or 1 in for 4 people who are updating their status while the relieve themselves. What is wrong with people these days?

Let's start by talking how disgusting this is, I don't know anyone who seriously cleans his or her phone. Sure, I might give it a wipe every now and then, but that doesn't count as cleaning it and eliminating all the disgusting grime that accumulates on it from being in my pockets and hands all day long. Now imagine the nastiness you leave on your phone while you're on the throne.

Facebook in the bathroom is quite frankly disgusting and unsanitary. Just think, next time you give your phone to someone to have a look at something and make a call. Are you ok with getting your nastiness on a friends face/hands because you felt the need to "like" some photos?

I'll let you figure out how to deal with the awkward situation where you need to wipe your shit of your friends face after you updated your status.

Also, 6.6% if people answered "I don't know", I want to know who the hell these people are. How do you not know if you've used Facebook in the bathroom? Did someone slip you a phone with Facebook by accident while your pants were down? It's a simple yes or no question.....unless you're one of those people who are even worse and drag the laptop into the bathroom with you?

For all the technology and connectivity we have, we no longer have common sense. Never use your phone, whether for Facebook, Twitter, texting or whatever else you use it for in there. It's nasty and unsanitary, and let's face it no one likes a phone that smells like shit.

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