23 July 2011

Multitasking Gone Wrong!!

While many of my friends would agree that Facebook is shit. A online survey has revealed that 27% of respondents have admitted to using Facebook on a mobile device while in the bathroom.

That's right...27% or 1 in for 4 people who are updating their status while the relieve themselves. What is wrong with people these days?

22 July 2011

Chinese Proverb

Confucius say,

“If you are in a book store and cannot find the book for which you search

you are obviously in the...

18 July 2011

Stop, Thief!

The only thing I hate more than spam is plagiarism.

This past week I have noticed more and more with an alarming increase, the number of tweets that have been plagerised. I am disgusted by the blatant arrogance of followers who think they have the right to merely copy and paste other people's tweets and pass them off as their own shit.